Traduce a Espanol!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Escape Room!

At one of our 4th/5th grade monthly TNT (The New Tweens) meeting, I designed an Escape Room for them!  It was lots of fun!  They had one hour to escape the fiery furnace with shadrach, meshach and abednego (their idea ;).  they finished with three seconds to spare :) Yea!  I had to give them a few hints, but overall they did it themselves.

They had to get these 4 locks undone to get their final clue which was in the lockbox!  

 This is all I had out in the open for the kids.  The ipad, one of the Scripture games and the Bibles they would need to look up the Scriptures. 

This group of pics and the black light was used at the end, but also to throw them off at the beginning :)  I got a few of them ;)
Here they are trying to look up all the math scripture problems.  There was a lot to look up, but they're pros so they did it in no time!  The math took longer than looking up the scriptures :)

I decided to incorporate Easter Eggs and hid them around the room - when they found them all they had the clue!

Wordsearch!  The hardest part was trying to figure out why this wordsearch was a clue ;)

This was the funniest part.  They had to weigh 4 things that were in the room – the only thing that fit on the scale was the Bibles.  None of them could figure out how to weigh something that doesn’t fit (by weighing yourself and then holding it) so they were trying all kinds of things.  I’m still laughing thinking about it J

Unlocking the final lock!! They finished with 3 seconds to spare!! one was stuck in the furnace :) 

If you'd like to buy my lesson plan for this Escape Room (and all the supplies and links to buy the items I used), go here to my teachers pay teachers store.  It's only $6!  I love doing escape rooms with my tweens but they aren't easy to come up with!  They're time consuming.  If you've ever designed one, please let me know - I'll trade plans with you :)

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