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Friday, September 11, 2020

Quiet Resilience - Birthday blog for the 14 year old

Random thoughts about my 14 year old :) 

If you aren't aware, Paul (whom we affectionately call Pauli when we are around my parents to avoid confusion) was named after both his grandfathers.  Paul is my dad, Santiago is Noe's dad.  I find it very fitting that he be called Paul because he seems to be proving himself a worthy namesake of his American grandfather :) 
If I had to describe my dad in just a few words I would say, laid-back, quiet, compassionate, and in some ways, an activist - just from behind the scenes.  I would describe my son in many of the same ways.  

As a kid, Pauli kept us laughing, always joking and smiling :)  Now, as a teenager, of course this isn't as cool and he tries NOT to laugh around us or let us know he enjoys our company ;) lol.  I get it.  We've all been there.  But I still see the jokester that would make silly faces and jokes to make us all laugh ;) 


He has always been laid back and flexible as well.  He's changed schools 3 times, lived in 5 different houses in 3 different states and never seems to bat an eye.  It's life - roll with it :)  
"Hey paul, we're going on a 'year of adventure' to Peru."
"ok.  cool."
"Hey, we have to quarantine for a few months."
"ok, cool."
"You're going to have to go to school online."
"ok. cool"
:)  lol.  That's Paul!  

On the flip side, as early as 6 months old, Paul would let us know - that he not only knew what he wanted, he also knew how to get it!  I laugh when people tell me that the "cry it out" method works for every baby.  HA!  It sure worked for Ella...asleep every time within 20 minutes.  Paul?  Forget it.  You've met your match "sleep specialists"! lol  After listening to him cry from 2am-4am one night determined to let him "cry it out", I officially gave in and let him beat me!  TWO hours...screaming at the top of his lungs!  All he wanted was to sleep in our bed.  Yep.  He got want he wanted. lol.  I admit it.  It progressed from there.  Sometimes with tantrums, sometimes with logic, and sometimes with expert arguing (he seriously would make a good lawyer one day lol).  No, I didn't give in...usually.  But those times when he would use his child logic on my adult logic and actually make more sense...I had to give in 😂.  The dude was right! 🤷


Paul has done everything in his own time - including sleeping in his room by himself - and once he decides to do it, he does it.  There has rarely been anything he has tried and didn't do well - piano, golf, math, name it.  Once he understood the "how" and "why", he was all over it and excelled - all in his own time.  He's still that way.  So, when I asked him recently what is something new that he'd like to learn - maybe a sport? instrument?  He said bowling.  Threw me off at first, but I get it...he was pretty bad at bowling last time we bowled :)  Lol  Being a lefty makes it a bit more challenging.  But he enjoys it and wants to get better so he's joined a league.  My guess, within a month of learning how it all works, he'll be throwing regular strikes.  That's just his way.  He's a kid that gets mad when he gets an A-!  The drive and determination will help him excel in whatever area he ends up in.


One thing that I LOVE about this kid is his refusal to blend in and just be like everyone else.  Every teacher, since kindergarten, has told me that he would always spin assignments to make them more "him".  One that I still remember - the kids were supposed to make a silly pumpkin.  Not wanting to be like everyone else and make a regular looking jack-o-lantern, he made this...

Yeah...a pumpkin with 3 teeth - one coming out of the top, the bottom...and one coming out of the eyeball.  That's my kid!  He got into trouble a few times with his teachers for his "straying" from the task - but I love the creativity and originality!  Thinking outside the box is what turns a "good professional" into a "great professional"!

 Behind that quiet exterior and joking nature though, is a lot of compassion - that he doesn't always like to advertise.  His sweet and caring way with our little pup is something I feel privileged to witness as he doesn't show that side to just anyone :)   His questions and concerns about nature and animals are a sign of his compassion towards both.  Last year he found a hurt groundhog in our yard and he couldn't sleep that night because he was worried about it...I love that he cares for those that need help!

napping with the puppy :)
                                                                napping with the puppy

And, even though he tells his friends and classmates that he wishes his sister "would disappear" sometimes, we know he loves her 💓 

Paul, I am proud of the man you are becoming and I pray that you always keep your sense of humor, your uniqueness, your flexibility and your drive to learn.  I pray you use all these wonderful qualities to make the world a better place.  I also pray that you keep questioning and learning about everything - faith, science, the world, and all the topics many find difficult to discuss.  You will do amazing things! 

Happy 14th!!

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