I did this for my son back on his birthday and I really enjoyed writing it...now it's my daughter's turn! :)
To my sweet, smart, beautiful six year old: Elita, this post is for you :)
...almost always have a smile for me and everyone else around you.
...have the best laugh ever!
I love that
...there are times when you are very shy and times when you aren't - and I never know when they're going to happen.
...the first thing you do every morning is crawl in bed with me and snuggle-then ask for my iPhone to watch pbskids :)
...your favorite show right now is Wild Kratts
...your favorite food when you were a baby was black beans...and still
now prefer them to most everything else (except maybe pizza and hot
I love that you
...love to be creative...you find pipe cleaners and yarn and suddenly you have whole new worlds or a laser maze!!
...love karate because you "have to work hard" and you like it!
...can make a bed out of anything, anywhere, anytime and lay down and relax :)

...loved your friends in K and that they loved you so much they named their class pet after you :)
...want to grow your hair long so you can wear it like Queen Elsa's.
...like to get messy!
I love that...

I love that you...
...you are trying very hard to learn Spanish.
...I love that your brother is one of the few people who can make you laugh so hard you make this happy face... :)

...you have always loved the water. Bored? You can always play in the tub for an hour or more :)

...loved your friends in K and that they loved you so much they named their class pet after you :)
...love school and always want to do your best.
...are so competitive that you got upset when the girls in your class didn't get dressed as fast as the boys after swimming lessons.
...are so competitive that you got upset when the girls in your class didn't get dressed as fast as the boys after swimming lessons.

...want to grow your hair long so you can wear it like Queen Elsa's.
...like to get messy!

...can always make your Papa laugh :)

I love that...
...for the moment, I am your hero and can do no wrong...I know it won't last long so I cherish it while it lasts.
...when it comes time to read a book, hold a hand, dance, or most everything else - I'm your first choice...again, I cherish it while it lasts :)
...you ask Papa to take you to play soccer and have a blast.
...when it comes time to read a book, hold a hand, dance, or most everything else - I'm your first choice...again, I cherish it while it lasts :)
...you ask Papa to take you to play soccer and have a blast.

I love that you...
...have a wonderful sense of humor
...hate it when I brush your hair, but paul can yank it out and you laugh.
...ask to do silly things-like spray my car when it's raining.
...hate it when I brush your hair, but paul can yank it out and you laugh.
...ask to do silly things-like spray my car when it's raining.

...never give up and will persevere even if I or anyone else says you don't have to keep trying.

...adore every kind of animal and want to be a vet when you grow up (or a teacher, or musician...and definitely a mama)
...have already informed me that when you move out of our house you are going to buy pets (we're allergic...she's not)

...you are trying very hard to learn Spanish.
...you love Peru and ask all the time when you are going to get to go visit

...ask to sing in church and love getting on the microphone.
...love to read.
...adore your brother and (most of the time) beg him to play with you.

...anytime music or a song comes on in a movie you tell me to dance with you.
...whenever I play dollhouse with you I have to be all the "boys"
...you can find any baby within a mile radius - and then love all over him/her.

...you take your time and remind me to stop rushing and enjoy life!

...you never complain about your peanut allergy even if that means not
getting cupcakes and treats at school or missing out on the entire
buffet of desserts at a church luncheon or at Golden Corral.
...you pick out your favorite shirt, your favorite pants and your favorite shoes (for that day) and wear them...even though none of them match. They're your faves so who cares?! :)

...you say "mama, mama" 1452 times a day and "mama will you play with me?" 549 times a day :)
...you have hardly any interest in video games
...you are excited about going to Pennsylvania to "play in the snow", even though you don't like cold weather
...you are excited about going to Pennsylvania to "play in the snow", even though you don't like cold weather
...you bring up God at random times and remind us that God loves us and made all of us...
AND, I love that the only thing you asked to do today was get a donut and watch the sunrise on the beach like last year :)
Wish granted!!
I love you little monkey!! You put a smile on my face every morning! Happy Birthday!!
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